Sunday, May 4, 2008

Bowling in Korea

Last night, I went bowling with a couple of friends near Yongsei University. We met a new group of people: the international students from this university. It was so fun to hang out with these new people--most are around my age and are here as students. There was a guy from Egypt, one from Hong Kong, a girl from Belgium, one from Japan, and one South Korean. It was so fun for all of our cultures to come together and just hang out for the night. They were really refreshing to be around because they were all career/education minded and a little older and more experienced than many of the English teachers in Seoul.

If any of you have ever bowled with me, you know that bowling is not my best game! It is pretty hit or miss for me--sometimes I bowl an awesome game, and other times I struggle to even reach a score of 60! Well, tonight was a pretty good night for me! My score was 128 for the first game! I got a couple of strikes and a couple of spares!

When we left the bowling alley and headed to a restaurant to finish off the evening, I saw this sign and decided that some of you would get a kick out of the spelling error! It never gets old for me! I laugh every time I see English mistakes! On the menu at the restaurant, you could order "grirred godfish." No lie. We contrived that the item must be a griLLed option, but were not sure what kind of fish was being served. Goldfish, maybe? Ewww! Cigalettes anyone?

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