Tuesday, November 27, 2007


Another Tuesday. Today I woke up with a sore throat. My first thought was, "not again." I just got over a cold that wiped me out for more than three weeks! But, I believe in the power of positive thinking, so what I meant to say is, "I am healthy, I am healthy, I am healthy!" After waking up with a sore throat, I was slightly grumpy this morning. I got to work and had a pretty easy day, except for more paperwork shuffling by the company who hired me. I guess some documents have gotten misplaced....AGAIN! I went through this all summer and now it has started up again. Things did not go so smoothly with that, but I did hear a possibility of good news: the winter camp that I was signed up to teach over winter break might not happen! My coworkers have been waiting on some documents from the district about the camp and they are hands off about the whole deal. My coworkers don't want to plan everything and think the district should, so if the district doesn't, the camp is off. Which means, I may have three extra weeks of vacation! I am not going to count my chickens before they hatch, but it sure would be nice! So, I am going to put on some more tea and snuggle into my blankets for a few minutes of reading before I sleep tonight! Oh, I know the pictures above are a little random, but I included them anyway! They are from the mall a few weeks ago! There was a holiday concert on the fifth floor and Christmas trees out front. The Asian Statue of Liberty is my favorite, though! :)

1 comment:

Sabrina said...

I hope you feel better! if you did have more vacation time, what would you do?