Saturday, November 3, 2007

Scrabble Night!

Tonight was really fun--my friends and I met at a coffee shop and played Scrabble for hours! I love that game! I was matched up against three other American English teachers. I am sad to say I didn't win any of the games we played...but, I didn't lose either! It is really so fun to sit in on a Saturday night sometimes and play boardgames--it is a simple joy and isn't done enough! I am regretting that I didn't bring more than a few card games to Korea. Then again, I am glad I didn't have to lug them around with me the few months before I moved here! I had too much stuff already! Actually, I think it is important for me to play Scrabble frequently--I speak a different kind of English when I am around non-native speakers. It is a simplified version of our spectacular language. I would love to break out the big words, but they are met with blank stares and pained looks. I hate to make people feel bad about their English skills--many people apologize to me for not knowing English better! I say, "on the contrary--I am sorry for not speaking Korean!" I get so used to this simplified, and slowed down version of English that I start speaking like this with my American friends! We laugh about this, but I am afraid that it could become a problem for me! I am forgetting so many simple words and I think I will have to re-learn a large part of my English vocabulary! In the meantime, some good books and a few more games of Scrabble should help me preserve my English! By the way, has anyone read a good book lately? I am looking for some good literature for my bus rides to work! :) Thanks!

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