Friday, November 23, 2007

Thanksgiving Dinner

Happy Thanksgiving to everyone back home! I really missed being near family this week as the day came and went uncelebrated. Instead of having Thanksgiving dinner yesterday, my friend and I decided to go out for a stomach-stuffing meal tonight. We decided to get some hearty food at the Swiss, all-you-can-eat restaurant down the street. It wasn't turkey and mashed potatoes, but it worked! I ate lots of seafood and Thai food--not a lot of German food, actually. You can see a little octopus on my fork in the picture above. I have really come to like octopus. I eat it at least three times a week and always look forward to it! This year, I am thankful for this chance to live here and try new things! I am also thankful for the people who support me back at home in my new adventures! It has been a good year for me so far! Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

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