Thursday, November 13, 2008

Funny Image

Picture this:

A short 94-year-old lady wearing a long-sleeved, teal nightgown with small embroidered roses at the collar...her teeth are soaking in a cup on the kitchen counter...she's got a large can of Raid in one hand, and a big, nasty cockroach trying his best to get away before death showers down on him in the form of a smelly mist.

She chased the roach across the kitchen, folks! Right into the corner where he shriveled up and died!

I sat at the table laughing to myself at the image unfolding before my eyes...I hope I have as much gusto as she does at 94! Heck, I hope I have that much gusto at 70!


Anonymous said...

You will have! Mom

stmini said...

that would b e a funny image. It reminds me of the old granny off of looney toons kinda. haha, too bad you couldn't get a picture