Monday, November 17, 2008


Tonight I start my new part-time job. I am going to teach math to 5th-6th graders in Korea over the internet.

(Math?! *gasp*)

I don't love math, so I am hoping that my teaching skills will kick in and help me explain fractions to these kids! Actually, I have some cool ideas planned in order to make it interesting.

Here is a little warm-up for myself:

1/2 of my day was uneventful
4/10 of the wildfires nearby have been contained
1/4 of the Canadian bacon pizza was eaten by me
5/12 of today was sunny with blue skies
1/8 of tomorrow will be spent running
1/4 of this hour was spent figuring out these stupid fractions and writing this teeny tiny post... (ha ha...I told you that math isn't my favorite subject!)

1 comment:

Sabrina said...

MATh????? no way no way no way!
you are better person than me!
good luck!