Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Vagabond notes.

I’m in California now. My mom and I drove here over the weekend—the trip was relatively uneventful (except for the hours of rain, a new chip in my windshield, and a few accidents we came upon but were not involved in). We listened to books on CD, which is a great way to pass the hours. We arrived Saturday night, slept, then went to Newport Beach and Santa Monica before dropping Mom off at the airport at 2.

Since then, I have spent the last three days trying to orient myself in this new city. One would think that after all the traveling I have done, this would be an easy task. I have found, however, that the more moving I do, the more numb I become to the whole experience. Do you know what I did yesterday? I bought a map so I could find the beach. Call me lazy, but I was a little overwhelmed with the rest of the city, so I gave up and headed for the shore!

I have done some searching for jobs, but it is difficult to find something that pays enough for me to even go. Yesterday, I was offered a babysitting job, but the lady wanted to pay me $85 for 20 hours to watch her 9-month-old son. I know money is money, but it is a hard pill for me to swallow when someone wants to give me $4.25 an hour for my weekend. I told her I couldn’t do it. I am going to keep searching the papers and online and see what I can do. I hope to have something lined up in the next couple of weeks.

Today, I am going to meet the lady I am probably going to live with! We made plans for this afternoon—I am excited to get moved into a place. That will make me feel a little more like a permanent resident, rather than a vagabond.

Update: I med Edna and move in this weekend! She has a small house in the city of Fullerton. She is 94, sweet, talkative and spunky. She seems like a much younger person trapped in an old lady's body--she still has dreams, goals and ambitions. I hope I am like that when I am that old!


Sabrina said...

Welcome to Cali! I was thinking about you and if you made it there and if you had found your way to the beach.... :)
Best of luck, I know you will make it your own!

dana said...

Glad to hear you made it safely! Can't wait to chat when you have some time. I'm not doing a whole these days...more on that soon. Love you!

AxeZen said...

I hope you're having good time :)