Monday, October 20, 2008

The new diggs.

I moved into my new place--I've been here for a little over a week, now. Things are going well living with a 94-year-old lady. She is really active for her age, and has a social calendar that is busier than mine. She gets to bed early (by 8PM usually), and wakes early (by 5AM usually). I have the feeling that she must think I am so lazy getting out of bed by 8.30! The thing is, I still don't have a job, so getting up early is not important. I think I will like retirement! :) Anyway, let me show you my room. Here is my closet/dresser area:

My twin bed:

The twin bed that still needs to be cleaned off (it's Edna's stuff--not mine):

I have access to my very own pencil sharpener in the corner near the door in case I ever get sad and miss the classroom, I guess.

What is this? A PA system? I don't understand what it hasn't made any noises yet, but maybe there is a hidden camera or microphone or something...

Last, but not least, here are some of the things Edna has on display in "my" room. I am not sure how to tactfully ask for them to be put away while I am staying here. My only idea, so far, is to buy a really large lampshade for my table lamp and simply claim there is not enough space for everyone on the top of my nightstand. She says that the older ladies across the street keep giving her these toys, and she doesn't know where to put them all.

I am still getting settled into a routine, which is largely influenced by Edna's schedule so far. Because she gets to bed early (7.30~8PM), she likes me to be home before that time so I don't wake her up. Also, because she doesn't move around so quickly, she likes to know when I am coming and going so she doesn't think people are breaking into her house. It all makes sense, but is a little challenging for this girl to adapt to. I am not going to be able to abide by all the rules, but will try to be a good housemate nevertheless. :)


Sabrina said...

Was your bedroom a former classroom?
Glad to hear you are getting settled! :)

Anonymous said...

wow, access to a pencil sharpener. you have it made! and those stuffed animals are pretty amazing jk. . .
