Friday, October 3, 2008

Concerts and Operas

This past week, I have been busy. I have been packing and organizing, planning and researching, and traveling and saying good-bye to people.

There has been a twist in my plans to drive to California. I thought I would have a friend to help me drive there, but apparently people have jobs and other fun plans (like camping trips). My mother has offered to drive to California with me as long as we drive straight through and leave right after work today! While I am really relieved to not be making this cross-country trip on my own (thanks, Mom!), I am sad that I won't be able to stop in and see a few people along the way (especially R and D). So, woo-hoo! to the fact that I will be settling into my new home as early as Sunday--I'm sad to leave MN, but the cool temps this week are telling me it's time to go.

Let me tell you two cool things I did this week:

Cool thing #1, Sunday
I saw my first opera! It was Il Travatore. It was really wonderful--I enjoyed the opera from a first mezzanine box seat with my friend. Excellent. Here is a famous clip from the show that everyone should recognize:

Cool thing #2, Wednesday
I went to see Liam Finn in concert at First Avenue, Seventh Street Entry with three friends! Liam Finn's music was introduced to me by Kara in Korea last February, and since then, I have had his music in every playlist mix I have made. He is kind of a hippie and is from New Zealand. Here is a clip of him on the David Letterman show:

Before the show, two friends and I were walking down the street in the wrong direction (we got turned around) and who do you think we bumped into? Yes, Liam Finn himself! We didn't speak, but I can say that the three of us girls made eye contact with Liam Finn and his two friends right before they ducked into a coffee shop for some pre-show mo-jo. It was an excellent concert!


sarah :) said...

Safe travels, Bonnie...too bad I didn't know you were looking for a cross-country driving partner! I would have loved to join you :)

We could have practiced getting rid of our English-teacher speech & our Minnesota accents too ;)

Have a great adventure!!

Sabrina said...

Have fun!!! Keep in touch and I will have to come visit you when you finally make it down to South America!!!!