Today, as I was walking to work, I completely wiped out on the hill! I have never done this before and have feared doing this since I got here (and started wearing heals on a regular basis)! I fell forward, uphill, and bonked my face on the ground pretty hard! You can see my bruise starting to form on my cheek...ouch! I was wearing stupid shoes--I should know better to take the bus on the mornings I wear stupid shoes. These shoes in particular are hereby banned from my closet--they will not be worn again in Korea! I had an early morning class, so there weren't many teachers around when I got there--in fact, there were two others, so I asked one for some help with finding an ice pack. After my 45 minute class, my head was throbbing as I entered the teacher's room and walked toward my desk. I was immediately surrounded by concerned individuals insisting that I go to the hospital! I refused to go--I mean, really, what else will they tell me to do other than ice my face? I have often marveled at how quickly my Korean collegues are willing to go to the hospital or clinic. At first I thought I was just a tough American girl who can handle pain better, but actually, I realized that public health care is so much easier to access here than back in the States. Why not use it if it is cheap and easy? Here is a picture of my battle wound--it doesn't look so bad in the picture:

Here are the forementioned, banished shoes:

After refusing to be seen by a doctor, I finally agreed that going home early would be OK, although, I will not be visiting the hospital. As I was on the bus home, I started to think of ways to turn my day around. I looked through my stack of stamp cards and saw that I had a full Coldstone card! My free treat was a LoveIt sized, waffle bowl full of banana ice cream, mixed with pecans, bananas and pieces of Crunky bar! What could be better than a huge bowl full of banana ice cream at 11.30 AM after a bumpy morning? :)
1 comment:
Ice cream always makes things better!!
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