Sunday, March 23, 2008

Easter Sunday

Happy Easter everyone!

Today I got up and got ready to go to church at a place I have been to a few times (not since before winter break, though). I knew the service started at 11, so I made sure I was there 15 minutes early to find a friend to sit with. Well, as I got there, the usher said church started at 10 and I missed all the pre-sermon stuff. Well, church is usually 2 hours long, so I caught the last half anyway. After church, my friend Alycia (from college) and I decided to grab lunch together at Pho Mein--the best Vietnamese place in Gangnam! After lunch, we got coffee and talked, while watching the rain flurries quietly attack the city.

Here is a just-for-fun shot of me at the coffee shop enjoying my passion fruit tea latte...yum!

After coffee, we decided to go to Kyobo bookstore, which is down the street from the subway station. Take a look at the picture below--do you see anything askew? If you notice the random van driving down the sidewalk, you guessed right! How crazy is this! Now you all can see why walking around Korea can sometimes be a hair-raising experience for me! As a pedestrian, I have to always be ready to dodge motorcycles, vans, or vendor carts ON THE SIDEWALK! Sheesh! The other thing, on days like today, is that I have to walk with one hand guarding my eyeballs! The height of the average umbrella is eye-level for me, so I am often concerned I will get something poked out by the ends of the wires if I am not careful!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Happy Easter, Bonnie! :)

Sarah in Japan