Monday, March 17, 2008

Van Gogh at Seoul Museum of Art

Last week, I scored a pair of tickets to see the Van Gogh exhibit at the art museum. A student's parent gave me the tickets. So, Saturday afternoon, my friend and I made our way to City Hall and the museum. We were a little surprised at the long lines, but figured there would be a reason for all the madness.

We didn't have to wait longer than 30-45 minutes to get inside the museum. Inside, we were extremely overwhelmed at the hoards of people that were moving quickly, en mass around the paintings. It was a little too much for my viewing taste, but, keeping it positive, it was a cool experience to see these art pieces! The Van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam sent over a collection of paintings and sketches--now, I want to see them again in their home!

After the museum, we tried to get to our Korean language class. For the second week in a row, we missed it! This time, we couldn't find the correct building at the university. I think our directions were a little inaccurate. We will have to try again next time!

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