Monday, March 24, 2008

Bad Mojo

For the third Monday in a row, I have had day altering (possibly week altering) problems! As I posted last week, my computer has been giving me problems at work, and today was no different. Here is a conversation I had with the Korean computer man at my school:

Korean computer man: Bonnie teacher's USB...virused. All computers Bonnie teacher use...virused. 3...2...1...grade...whichee computers you use? All?

Me: Yes all. I use all classroom computers in the school.

Korean computer man: All school?...virused. (with a flat tone to his voice he turned and walked away).

How is this possible? I always considered myself pretty saavy when it comes to computers, but I can't wrap my head around this one. How is this all my fault? I understand the concept of me spreading the virus via USB, but how did it get on my USB in the first place? Why does it have to be my fault?? Why did he have to proclaim his computer prognosis so loudly that 5 teachers stopped their work to stare at me!?? Needless to say, I had another rough start...(please, somebody make it stop!!).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Are all the computers having problems? or just yours? Could you use your laptop - instead of their computers? Mom