Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Walking Day and Art Day

Every year the students at my school have a day where they can display their art and classes are shortened so students and staff can look at it. Let me tell you--their art beats the American middle schoolers' art by 10 times!! Some of the sixth graders were drawing and painting stuff that looked professional! Wow!! I was so impressed as I looked over the drawings, ceramics, and even flower arrangements! I was asked to make something to share my culture, so I did a very basic poster board with lots of pictures of things to represent America. It was displayed between some really amazing comic book art, and some clay models of the brain. I was embarrassed at my measly attempt at "art"! :) The day after "Art Day" is "Walking Day" where all staff and students go to Grand Park and walk 6KM. It is actually a competition and there were awards given, but students were required to walk. If they ran, they got red X's on their wrists. This seemed ironic to me because they barrel down the hallways at school and never get red X's, but when we were at the biggest park in Seoul with lots of space, they were made to walk. Well, they weren't my rules! The guy in the picture wearing the bright yellow jacket is an art teacher. I taught my students the word "highlighter" a couple of weeks ago, and several of them came to tell me that his jacket looked like a highlighter! I am glad to know that they have learned something from me!

1 comment:

Sabrina said...

Your blog is way better! Keep it up!!! :)