Tuesday, October 30, 2007

California WOW!

I signed up for a gym membership last month at California WOW. I have had a gym membership for years, so it was something I looked for right away when I got here. It is generally the same here as in the States--that is one thing I really like. The only major difference I notice is the fact that the temperature is much much warmer in there than the gyms in the States. A friend told me that the Koreans really like to sweat when they work out and feel that they are getting a better workout the more they sweat. (I would like to see research on that.) Other than that, the gym doesn't feel like a foreign culture to me. It is just a bunch of sweaty people trying to get fit. Oh, today I had a funny conversation with someone at work. It is totally unrelated to my gym membership. I met a new co-worker at lunch and when we were walking back to our office cubicles, she pointed toward one a couple of rows from mine and said, "I live there." Her English is not great, so I assume she meant that she works there, but, haven't we all felt like that at some point or another? :)

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