Whenever you have the chance to work with people who are learning English, funny conversations are sure to happen frequently! I had one of these the other day, and as I relayed the conversation to a friend here, she encouraged me to blog about it. So, here is the conversation I had with a 27-year-old, female English co-teacher:
Korean co-worker: Would you like some chocolate?
Me: Yes, thank you.
Korean co-worker: You know, it is important for women to chew on things like squares of chocolate. It keeps our teeth healthy.
Me: Really? I didn't know that.
Korean co-worker: Yes, that is why chocolate is good for women. Also, it is good to chew on gum and penis.
Me: Gum and what?
Korean co-worker: Gum and penis.
Me: (laughing) Do you mean peanuts?
Korean co-worker: Yes, penis.
Me: (laughing harder) I will write what you said on paper. (I write it down and hand it to her)
Korean co-worker: (immediately realizing her mistake and red in the face) Oh no!