Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Mad Cows


I don't know if you have read the news lately, but South Korea is in an uproar about the import of U.S. beef. There have been many protests lately--tonight there was one where a million people were expected to show up and protest. The biggest one yet. I decided to stay inside! :) Actually, no worries--the protests are mostly non-violent and take place down town. I live about 40 minutes from downtown. From what I hear, people are protesting for three reasons: mad cow infected beef (which, there is none), the new president, Mr. Lee, and America (I guess there are some with anti-American sentiment, though, again, no danger for me--I live a little further away and fly below the radar!). In my opinion, the whole thing is silly. I won't bore you with the details of the meat problems, and won't further degrade my current host country, but you are welcome to read up online (www.cnn.com has some stories and videos).


1 comment:

Sabrina said...

Moooo... I personally like my cows on the mad side.