Monday, February 11, 2008

Bali Top 10

Top Ten FAVORITE Things in BALI:

10. Funky Indonesian fire trance dance on a huge cliff at sunset with a great, no, AWESOME view!!

9. Fried bananas with ice cream drizzled in chocolate!! Yumm! :)

8. Fresh flowers lining the pathways and strategically placed all over statues and ledges!

7. The smell of incense burning in the frequent offerings to the Hindu gods! The scent lingered and followed us everywhere!

6. The prices!! It is a thrifty person's heaven!

5. Monkey Forest Conservatory! (300+ wild monkeys torturing the tourists...hee hee hee!)

4. Our treehouse bungalow on the black sand beach in Amed, only meters from the waves, under the volcano with palm and banana trees outside our window! Awesome! ($24 bucks a night!)

3. Balinese cooking class (1/2 day for $17.50 AND I got a cookbook and apron!)

2. Spa day!! (3 1/2 hours of massage, mask, facial, flower bath, hair, lunch and snacks for $22.50!)

1. Sunshine!! Woo-hoo! (this will nearly ALWAYS be my #1, however, the others are pretty much interchangeable.)


Sabrina said...

Lucky Girl! WOW! Looks like you had a great time!!! I know where i am going on my next big trip! :)

Anonymous said...

:) sunshine, that is why I am in Cali! :)