Yesterday and today were packing days here in steamy, muggy Korea. Here is my strategy: don't wait until the night before getting on the airplane to start packing (not rocket science, but this has been my habit in the past). I think many people would think I am a pre-packer--one of those people who starts setting things aside weeks before going out of town for the weekend. I am pretty organized and appear to really be on top of things sometimes, but what many people don't know is that I hate, no...ABHOR, packing! I have moved so many times in 9 years--at least 13 times, and instinctively start collecting shopping bags and cardboard boxes once spring turns the corner! On top of the yearly moving ritual, I have traveled quite a bit, and for extensive periods of time, requiring me to pack, un-pack, re-pack, un-pack, and so on. Normally, I put it off till the last minute, complain, procrastinate and dread every second of it! Last year, when preparing for a summer in Europe before a year in Korea, my mom was so nice to help me through this process by helping me organize and taking my huge piles of necessities and squeezing them into the small bags I was going to be taking overseas.
To prevent large amounts of stress and anxiety, I decided to get everything packed up early this time. I am leaving on vacation for the remainder of my time in Korea, and will simply be able to come home, grab my bags, and head to the hotel that Kara and I reserved for the last night before going home! Easy, huh? We will see.
(Side note, I am watching the live coverage of the opening ceremony of the Olympics, and the Swiss just entered Bird's Nest Stadium. What is that they're wearing? Is that Liederhosen? Not close ups yet. And, do I hear yodeling? :) Yes! My favorite! The Americans came on a couple of minutes ago, and I must say they are looking like they've got the gold in the bag! That Michael Phelps is going to be a tough one to beat with his 8 events--watch out world! Go USA!!)
Yesterday, Kara and I found a great little 4th floor reflexology massage place near our home! We've been keeping our eyes open for one all year, and finally, in our last weeks, we find one. We each got 30 minute massages for just under $20 apiece! Great deal! But, I think it messed up my thumb on my left hand (reflexology, by the way, is an amazing foot rub that is supposed to heal and stimulate parts of your body--like, if you have a headache, you can get an awesome foot massage to rub it away). I am not sure, but I think the massage has made my left thumb twitch randomly all day! It's like it has a life of its own! Weird! Hope that isn't permanent.
(Yao Ming is carrying the flag for China! Wow--that must be such an honor for him--huge! I am proud to say I have seen him in real life thanks to an awesome Wolves vs. Rockets game I saw with my friend Aaron. That giant guy is amazing! So tall--even next to KG! The best thing about him walking around the arena is that there is a kid about 5 or 6 years old who is walking with him--I swear the kid comes up to Yao Ming's knees! He is one big man! I love the Olympics! I sure didn't plan this vacation very well--right during the Olympics...what was I thinking?!)