Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Groundhog's prediction: 6 more weeks of summer in California.

Happy Groundhog's Day!

I heard that the Minnesota folk have a few more weeks of bitter cold to look forward to...I, on the other hand, am thinking about buying stock in sunblock! It has been in the 80's most of the weeks since I've been back--it is physically draining to be hot all the time, but I would rather have this than the alternative right now! My shoulders are brown from all my training runs and my legs are pasty white--so I'm stuck wearing pants till I can even out a little.

My legs are stiffer than ever--I told Edna this morning that I can really relate to her stiffness in her legs. It is difficult to sit and stand--I just kind of hover over the chair I need to sit in and let my whole weight fall! I plop down hard, but at least I don't need to use my leg muscles as much.

I am being interviewed for a new job tonight in Brea, the next town over. The job is taking care of a family's 2 kids for a few hours after school each night--not hard, but pretty good pay. It should fit pretty well with my Korean/internet job. I feel like my life is a big patchwork quilt these days; I'm piecing together the semblance of a young, productive life.

Still no place to live after Edna's. I looked at several apartments/townhomes/condos in the past week, but nothing has really fit yet.

Update on previously posted Korean recruitment: I have a "business meeting" with Dr. Park in the morning to meet with the Director of the prestigious Global High School in Seoul. I thought it was a business meeting, but today it was revealed that it will be a good opportunity for me to personally meet the man in charge of hiring foreign counselors. I guess if things get desperate enough around here, I always have a back-up plan!

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