Wednesday, December 3, 2008


Thanksgiving came and went in one of those "boy, that was fast" ways, didn't it?

It was such a good day, even though we couldn't make it to MN for the holiday. Martin's boss invited us to join her and her family in going to ANOTHER family's Thanksgiving. I guess this family traditionally takes in strangers (me, Martin, and two other international students from Martin's college) for the big meal. They were so welcoming and hospitable to invite us to share their house and holiday for the evening.

Wanting to contribute to the meal, Martin and I dipped a HUGE container of Thanksgiving strawberries in melted, 65% dark chocolate, and carefully balanced each berry on its hat to ensure perfect, smooth, fingerprint-free coating. After only 30 minutes, the chocolate was hard and the dessert was ready to go. It was a lot easier than it sounded before starting, and is a fail-proof way to make people like you! :) They were a tasty edition to the evening.

We didn't leave our host's house until midnight! We had so much fun sitting around the house, sipping wine and cider, eating pies and strawberries, and getting to know one another. The highlight for me was that there were a few girls around my age with whom I had things in common. I also really liked spunky uncle George, who is retired and watches DVDs everyday while he crochets.

To the family who invited us in, fed us really well, and welcomed us back next time, thanks!

1 comment:

Sabrina said...

That sounds like a great day! I love strawberries dipped in chocolate!