Sunday, July 20, 2008

Boryeong Mud Festival

This weekend was the Boryeong Mud Festival, the number one festival in Korea (land of a million festivals). The idea?: transport tons of "healthy" mud from one beach to the next, invite the foreigners and the TV stations, set up a large stage for musicians and dancers and let the party begin! You can see from the picture above that we got dirty...a mud slinging contest. No, just kidding! They had paintbrushes set up for us to paint our bodies with lots of mud! We let it bake into our skin for awhile before washing it off to reap all the health benefits. In the pic: me (in the only bikini pic you will see posted on this blog--posted only to show you the mud), Kara and Marc. (I didn't get their permission for this, but they both look good, so I hope they don't mind!)

One of the many things set up for us to fully enjoy the mud! :)

The body painting booth.

Rice cream. I plan to pass on the next free rice cream cone that is offered, and I certainly won't be paying for any! Weird.

In other news, I AM DONE WITH SCHOOL!!!! WOOOHOOO! :) My last day was Friday! I have to teach for two weeks at an English summer school, but that is all! My Korea adventure is not over, but the public school teacher part is!

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