Friday, October 24, 2008

Who ya gonna call?

Last night, the Fox Theater in downtown Fullerton hosted a community movie night. They projected "Ghostbusters" on the back wall and invited people to bring lawn chairs to watch from the parking lot. Martin and I borrowed the plastic, non-folding chairs from Edna's porch and walked them down three blocks to the movie. There were lots of people--I always enjoy the guy way in the back with the loud and hilarious laugh, don't you? :) It was a really fun movie to revisit--I had forgotten how hopelessly cheesy this movie is! It is definitely a good one for those of us who opt out of the scary kind of ghost movies for Halloween.

After returning home from the movie, I opened the kitchen door and saw at least six nasty bugs trying to hide from me. I'm not scared of bugs, merely annoyed and grossed out. I hate the thought of those gnarly creatures scuttling across my dishes, or chewing up my coffee beans.

Because I was in the mood for a little exterminating (thanks to Dan Akyroyd, Rick Moranis and Bill Murray), I grabbed the can of raid and roasted one of them. I know, I know...not very humane of me, but I make no apologies.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You'd better not leave any food out on a counter.